2009年3月5日 星期四


Doing your best is easy in individual work(s),but when it comes to team work(s),you need a bit more wisdom.Doing your best in a team work(s) requires you to understand your role on the team.Everyone does not play the same role.In car lcd monitor works,there are at least three different roles in product design( electrical /software /mechanic engineer).The better teams are the ones in which each engineer performs his role well.

紅字有感觸,有時開發的產品被其他人扯後腿,心裡真不舒服,所以換工作的時候有時候會挑硬體的工作,有時候會挑軟體的工作來做,想要成會全才的人(但開發的時程不允許一個人做所有的工作,才會有分工)---會不會我也變成扯人家後腿的人 ?? 還有如何了解自身於該職務上的定位

上一期的 Studio Clase room 我有點小修改,覺得不錯就寫下來了 (上個月沒聽,因為出差到大陸,好冷又沒暖氣,人都沒有戰鬥力--人都躲到被窩了)

